Parenting and Importance of Education


Hiteshi Patel

Parenting and Importance of Education

Writing blogs is a very good technique to spark ideas, creativity and innovation in an individual. As I started my journey, I mentioned about different aspects in positive parenting role like nutrition, health and medication, fitness, lifestyle and the last one was education.

Parenting is the process of raising children, providing them the utmost care in order to develop them into functional adults. A good parenting skill promotes mental, linguistic and social-emotional development in the child. And an education is something which gives the ability to read and write. An education is extremely important for an individual to grow and succeed in life.

Parenting and education should go together using positive language, planned discipline and family routine. We, as parents, are the first teachers of our children at home. They learn a lot from us. Parents mould their character. Since the very beginning, they see us as their role models. Therefore, an early education mould the future of the children which forms the basis of their success in life ahead. So the question is, how we can achieve this as parents:

  • Read along with your child as much as possible. This will in turn promote healthy reading habits in the child.

  • Help your child to complete his / her school assignments. Indulge in their school activities.

  • Set your child's education as the priority. Monitor their learning closely.
  • Play with them and promote constructive behaviour in them which is again important for their happiness and success in life ahead.

  • Do not always teach them to win. Also prepare them for future challenges.
  • Talk to them about their school, friends etc. This way you will come to know about their social skills and classroom behaviour.
  • Do not use ill words in front of your child. Remember you are the role models for them.
  • Also, if anytime your child is doing something wrong or misbehaving, correct him/her at the same time only. Otherwise, this can lead to behavioural issues which will impact them in future.

  • Maintain targets for their studies but do not overburden them. Also, reward them whenever possible. This motivates them further for future assignments.
Lastly, by doing so you will be raising a highly motivated and self-esteemed individual. This helps them by framing a better approach towards problem solving and thus stepping up for success in life.

Knowledge is the best gift!

Do check my previous blogs:

How to raise happy and confident kids -

How to inculcate reading habits in your children -

Travel with kids during Covid-19-

How to explain importance of Nutrition to kids-

How to inculcate fitness and healthy lifestyle in our kids-

Importance of Health and Medication for kids-

Impact of Covid-19 on kids-

Autism and Parenting stress-

Birthday celebration ideas during Covid-19-