When Is The Best Time to Spay Or Neuter My Collie?


Ali Smith

It’s hard to know when to spay or neuter – or if you should at all. Here’s the best veterinary advice for your Collie.

So you’ve decided to spay or neuter your Collie? – but when?

Often called getting your dog Fixed or Done (nomenclature that bugs me, because, fixed, implies broken, which is kinda mean!), the majority of dogs have this minor procedure performed upon them at a young age. Usually on a veterinary recommendation.

I know when Indie was little, I was told: “Six months, on the dot” – which is common advice given across America and Europe. If you ask the Internet (i.e. Facebook) usually recommendations say later and say a minimum of twelve months.

But is that even right? Or is it founded in any sort of science?

I know when Indie was little, I was told: “Six months, on the dot”

Ali Smith

With this conflicting information, how are you meant to know? Trust your vet? Do as your family has always done? Or trust the rando on the internet who appears to know it all.

None of that seems to be a good idea when the potential consequences of these procedures are rumoured to be some of the scariest diseases and ailments a dog can face… Cancer, Hip or Elbow Dysplasia, and other rotten afflictions like pyometra. All of this is the result of removing the availability of hormones…

Luckily, research has come forward which is not just size specific, but breed-specific for 35 breeds! So, here we’re going to discuss the ideal times for spaying or neutering your dog.

First, let’s do a little housekeeping…

a young rough collie posing in the grass

a young rough collie posing in the grass – what a cutie!

What is Neutering?​

This is the surgical castration of a male dog – usually by the removal of his testicles (sorry for making you cringe, gents!). This process means that your male dog cannot breed and that they are no longer producing hormones that are important to your dogs’ development – both emotionally and physically.

What is Spaying?​

Similar to neutering, spaying is a form of surgical castration that removes the ovaries and most often the fallopian tubes along with it. This means your girl cannot breed, but it also means she is missing some critical hormones.

This process can be done in a ‘keyhole’ surgery at extra cost, though it is much better for recovery times.

So when is the best time for my Collie?​

Recommended age:​

Male – It’s your choice!

Female – 1 year

With a sample size of 116 dogs, collies were some of our smallest sample sizes, which means that there aren’t that many to get a reliable average from. It would mean that there’s 11-12 dogs in each category (on average) and that means that a single dog that is an anomaly could create quite a spike in the results.

Still, it’s a good idea to take this as a piece of information to consider in the grand scheme of things!

collie puppy in field

The age of your pup is really important as a factor in their future health as you consider spay or neuter surgery. If you need more info on the process, head over to The Rebarkable Spay & Neuter Information Center!

What Are The Risks?​

Here’s a quick overview of what the study says the breed suffers from depending on when their surgical castration (Spay or Neuter) was performed. The aim of providing this information is about giving you all the information to make the best decision.

Disorders includeCranial cruciate ligament tears or ruptures, Hip Dysplasia, Elbow Dysplasia

Cancers includeLymphoma, Hemangiosarcoma, Mast Cell Tumours, Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma),

GenderAge of
Surgical Castration
Disorder riskCancer Risk
MaleUnder 6 months0%33%
Male6 to 11 months0%0%
Male12 to 23 months0%0%
Male2 years to 8 years0%14%
FemaleUnder 6 months0%40%
Female6 to 11 months14%0%
Female12 to 23 months0%0%
Female2 years to 8 years0%6%
Comes from Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders, Cancers, and Urinary Incontinence (Hart et al, 2020) where 116 Collies were monitored over the course of 15 years to collect this data
  • For intact females, 16% reported Pyometra
  • Urinary Incontinence was reported in 13% of spayed females between 6 and 11 months.
  • Mammary cancer was reported at 4% in intact females

The sample size numbers are making these numbers look scarier than they are. For example, the cancer rate of 40% of females under 6 months getting cancer? That’s actually just meaning that two out of five dogs. So again, please do consider these but take them with a grain of salt. 116 rough collies is a number to consider, but it’s a part of a larger picture.

Are there other options?​

If you’re doing what I am doing and looking at this research and reconsidering? It’s good to know that there are other options available.

Yes! On the presumption that these issues are caused by the lack of hormones (which is almost certainly the issue!) – there are a couple of ways to keep hormones but not facilitate breeding.

For Girls​


This is the surgical removal of the uterus and only part of the fallopian tubes! The removal of these means that your girl is without the ability to breed – however – as she keeps her ovaries, hormones will still be produced and should mean that her risk levels are the same as an intact female – without the risk of pyometra! Though, there is a risk that the breeding instinct can remain? Which may be quite risky if a male tries to breed with her.

For Boys​


The tubes that run from the testes are called the vas deferens – these are what get cut or removed in this instance – rendering your dog without the ability to impregnate a female. It leaves his hormones (and likely his desire to breed as a result) but also means that your dog should have the same risk factors as an entire male.

Chemical Castration​

Did you know that surgical castration is not legal in Norway? Consequently what is common in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway is chemical castration which is an injection your dog will have to have every six months that drop the levels of testosterone by approximately half. Which is proven to be effective in temporary neuter for your dog. This means you can actually test what castration might do to your dog and is often how it’s used in the UK and America – but it’s also a fantastic way of not putting your dog through surgical procedures.

a rough collie is a wonderful agility dog

a rough collie is a wonderful agility dog, but exercise this vigorous is definitely not going to be recommended straight after surgery Post-Surgery Recovery: 12 Ideas For Keeping Your Dog Happy And Entertained.

About the Study​

The study “Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders, Cancers, and Urinary Incontinence” (Hart BL, Hart LA, Thigpen AP, Willits NH) was released in July 2020 – it covers 35 different breeds – and a separate scientific paper for mixed breeds. The study followed a total of 15,414 dogs over 15 years of recording;

  1. The age of the dog when neutered or spayed
  2. Breed
  3. Disorders including:
  4. Cancers including;
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