
  1. v32457_p

    How many prime numbers are there in this sequence - Weddo

    How many prime numbers are there in this sequenceI'm writing a program to calculate the number of prime numbers in a sequence. There's a variable called num that is given and then the program must calculate how many prime numbers there are from 2 (the smallest prime number) to num.It should...
  2. v32457_p

    PHP 8.0 Released - Weddo

    PHP 8.0 ReleasedPHP 8.0 is a major update of the PHP language. It contains many new features and optimizations including named arguments, union types, attributes, constructor property promotion, match expression, nullsafe operator, JIT, and improvements in the type system, error handling, and...
  3. v32457_p

    How to use ORDERED Hint to Tune a SQL with subquery for Oracle? - Weddo

    How to use ORDERED Hint to Tune a SQL with subquery for Oracle?Here the following is the description of the ORDERED hint.The ORDERED hint causes Oracle to join tables in the order in which they appear in the FROM clause.If you omit the ORDERED hint from a SQL statement performing a join...
  4. v32457_p

    How to reduce the size of a Dataframe in Python - Weddo

    How to reduce the size of a Dataframe in PythonHello ! I have a dataframe in Python that has a column called "animal" with rows that contain the name of 4 animals: some rows with "bird", some with "dolphin", some with "dog" and finally some rows with "Others". I check the number of rows...
  5. v32457_p

    What are 5 essential skills every web developer should have - Weddo

    What are 5 essential skills every web developer should haveWhen it comes to web development, it's trending at a significant pace and is one of the most sought-after careers. Predicting where it will go in the next few years is a question.
  6. v32457_p

    Windows 10 Update on a USB - Weddo

    Windows 10 Update on a USBWindows 10 Update on a USBI got locked in one of those update loops. You know what I mean, probably. My Windows 10 would start an automatic update, then fail, and then reset itself to a previous version. This would happen all of the time.I eventually decided to...
  7. v32457_p

    What Was Disadvantages ASP.NET Web Forms? - Weddo

    What Was Disadvantages ASP.NET Web Forms?•View State weight: the particular mechanism for maintaining state across requests (known as view State) resulted in massive blocks of knowledge being transferred between the consumer and server. This information might reach many kilobytes in even...
  8. v32457_p

    Cloud Computing Providers - Weddo

    Cloud Computing ProvidersWhat is the difference between software-as-a-service providers; infrastructure-as-a-service vendors and platform-as-a-service vendors in reference to cloud computing?
  9. v32457_p

    Cloud Computing - Weddo

    Cloud ComputingWhat are the benefits of operating in cloud computing architecture today?