7 Top Grade Homeopathic Remedies for Sebaceous Cysts



Sebaceous cysts are non-cancerous (benign) bumps under the skin that are filled with semi – solid material. They are very common and mostly found on the scalp, face, neck and back, though can develop anywhere on skin except the palms of hands and the soles of feet. Homeopathic remedies for sebaceous cysts help in resolving cysts by discharging and clearing off the contents & gradually shrink and dissolve these cysts. sebaceous cyst

The term sebaceous cyst refers to either an epidermoid cyst which originates from the epidermis (top layer of the skin) or a pilar cyst that originate from the hair follicles.

As these cyst don’t originate from sebaceous glands and don’t contain sebum, So the term sebaceous cyst is inappropriate for them. The true sebaceous cysts are the ones that originate from sebaceous glands (glands in the skin having an opening in the hair follicle gland where it secrete oily matter known as sebum). These cyst contain sebum (an oily matter produced by sebaceous glands that aid lubrication of the hair and skin). They are very rare and are known as steatocystoma simplex.


The epidermoid cysts develop from the skin. The surface of the skin, known as the epidermis consists of thin layers of cells. These cells are constantly shed off. The epidermoid cysts develop from inward movement and trapping of skin cells and multiplying there in spite of moving out on the skin surface and shedding outside. They can also develop from any damage that causes cells on top of the skin to be implanted in the lower layer. They can follow irritation or injury to the skin too.

The true sebaceous cysts can form due to deformed, damage or blockage of the duct of the sebaceous gland (this duct act a passage from where the sebum / oil is able to leave). It can follow a trauma like a surgical wound or scratch on the skin.

Sometimes the cyst is linked to genetic conditions like Gardner’s syndrome (a rare genetic disorder in which there occurs multiple polyps in the colon i.e. large intestine along with some other tumours outside the colon. The other tumours outside the colon may include fibromas, epidermoid cyst, desmoid tumours, osteomas of skull).

In many cases no cause can be ruled out behind the sebaceous cyst.


They are felt as a lump under the skin. They grow very slowly, are harmless and usually do not cause any problem but can be uncomfortable and cosmetically look bad.

Though they can occur on any body part, they are more common on the scalp, face, neck, back, chest and ears. In males they commonly develop in scrotum and chest. They may contain fibrous tissue, fluids. They may also contain keratin (a strong protein present in the skin, nails and also teeth). Next they may be filled with somewhat viscous, serosanguineous fluid that contains pus and blood. The type of the contents of the cyst vary depending on if the cyst is infected or not.

The size can vary from a few mm to around 5 cm. These are round in shape and when touched these cyst feels smooth, mostly soft and movable. The small cyst are not painful and tender to touch. But when they are large they can be painful and cause pressure on the surrounding parts. They also become painful if they get infected, damaged or inflamed. When infected or inflamed the skin over the cyst becomes red, tender and sore. A thick, yellow, cheesy, bad smelling material may sometimes drain from the cyst. The cyst should not be scratched, pricked popped or squeezed to prevent chance of infection. These cysts are commonly found in the hairy areas of the body. In long standing cases the hair on the surface of skin above the cyst may be lost. Most times no complications occur in it. But sometimes few complications can arise. The first complication that can arise is its fixation if it extends deep in the body and connects to underlying tissue and forms a fixed lump that does not move. Next complication is infection (when bacteria gain entry in the cyst) resulting in abscess formation. Other complications include inflammation and rupture of the sebaceous cysts. Very rarely epidermoid cysts can lead to skin cancer.

Homeopathic Remedies for Sebaceous Cysts​

Homeopathy carries a good scope to treat these cysts. There are numerous homeopathic medicines that can help in dissolving, shrinking these cysts. These medicines halt further growth and increase the size of these cysts. The results vary from case to case depending upon the size and duration of the cyst. The medicines for its treatment are of natural origin so they treat them in a very safe, mild, gentle way without any side effects. These medicines are very effective and may even subside the need of surgical intervention in many cases of cyst.

  1. Silicea​

Silicea is a very effective homeopathic medicine for treating cases of different types of cysts including sebaceous cyst. It possesses a great ability to shrink and dissolve the cysts. It is also indicated for cases where infection has occurred with abscess formation. In such cases pus discharge is present. The pus is scanty. It has a bad smell. Its use is also recommended for sebaceous cyst on the scalp. Such cyst are smooth and appear shiny where this medicine is required.

  1. Baryta Carb​

This is the next very beneficial medicine for treatment of various kind of cysts and tumours. It is most prominently indicated for cyst on the scalp. Scalp may be sensitive to touch in cases needing it. Apart from this it offers help in case of fatty tumours, swollen and hard indurated glands.

  1. Graphites​

Graphites is yet another well-indicated medicine having a marked action on dissolving the cysts. Like Baryta Carb, it is also a significant medicine for treating sebaceous cyst on the scalp. For using it the cyst is large and smooth. Scalp is hairy. Itching and marked heat may be present on the scalp.

  1. Thuja​

It is natural medicine prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja occidentalis commonly known as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It is the next medicine in the list to treat many sorts of cyst and tumours. Firstly it is useful to treat sebaceous cyst. Next it is helpful to treat cyst in the breast and ovaries. Other than these it is an important medicine for spongy and fatty tumours.

  1. Hepar Sulph​

Like medicine Silicea, this medicine possesses a great power to manage cases where infection has occurred and abscess has formed. In such cases it works well when there is pus discharge that can be blood stained also. With this there is throbbing or splinter like pain present in the infected site. The abscess is also tender and sensitive to touch. The skin overlying the abscess is inflamed and appears warm to touch.

  1. Kali Bromatum​

It is also an important medicine for treating sebaceous cyst. Not only these cysts it also have a marked affinity to treat many other types of cyst and tumours. Among them ovarian cyst, fibroids and fatty tumours are the ones well treated with this medicine.

  1. Lobelia Inflata​

It is prepared from plant puke weed either with fresh plant when in flower and seed or its dried leaves. This plant belongs to the family lobeliaceae. This medicine has a tendency to resolve most obstinate cysts on the scalp. It either makes the cyst dissolve gradually or resolves it by aiding the discharge of its contents.

Some Other Valuable Medicines

In addition to above some of the other important medicines indicated for treating sebaceous cysts include Conium, Phytolacca, Calcarea Carb, Agaricus and Spongia.

The post 7 Top Grade Homeopathic Remedies for Sebaceous Cysts appeared first on Homeopathy at DrHomeo.com.