Need A Great Breeder? How To Find One And 4 Places To Avoid


Ali Smith

Finding a group breeder is something that so many people struggle with is real.

So in this piece, I want to talk to you about exactly how to do that, where to do that, and some red flags that you can look for along the way.

I’ve been a big supporter of the phrase we set up for success, and there’s no way better to set your puppy up for success than buying a wonderful puppy from a really great breeder.

I then come in in the next step and go, “Hey, this is how you train them to become a wonderful dog!”. This is how you turn that that awesome clay that your beeder has given you into a phenomenal that’s what I do.

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This post has been mainly AI Generated from the video below! If you notice any weird phrasing?
Ping me an email and let me know, because I clearly missed it when editing!

The better the dog that you get at the start, the easier it’s going to be the entire way through, okay?

Do you feel confident approaching breeders? Do you feel confident that you can tell the difference between a good breeder, an okay breeder and a bad breeder?

The latter is the dangerous side, the middle is middling, and top end is the top end for a reason.

So I want to talk to you about that.

Good Breeders are not unicorns.

I promise you, they are around.

They’re just hard to find.

I will discuss the reasons why they are hard to find, okay?

My Experience With Breeders​

I do totally get it though, with puppies and not knowing where to go. Because like I mentioned earlier, I made a pretty big mistake with Indy. And despite the fact that Indie is a phenomenal dog now. And he is he’s, he’s wonderful. I mean, I know he’s my dog, and we all are totally biased. But he is he’s awesome.

That took a lot work.

Would it have taken as much work iif he were really well bred? Almost certainly not.

So I’ve been there, I’ve been you, I made the mistake. I’ve also learned the lesson and vowed that my next dog will be the pinnacle of breeding! Consequently, as a part of my journey in training, I’ve looked into a lot of what makes a good dog, biologically, and in upbringing, so I’ve gained the “What to look for” aspect of this, and the where to start.

And now I’m trying to help you avoid the mistakes I made and hundreds of thousands of people make every year.

Caveat Inbound​

Okay. So I also want to say really, really quickly, I am speaking in broad terms in this there will obviously be the occasional person who is better, the occasional person who is worse, the occasional person who knows how to sound like they are, what they are, and then they’re not, or the one that just lets you down.

At the end of the day, we are dealing with humans and animals and certain things are totally not predictable.

Why is breeding important?​

Let’s start there. Why is good breeding important? Well, by supporting good breeders means that we will start increasing the quality of the dogs that we have, as opposed to decreasing the quality of dogs that we have and creating more jobs for people like me who are trainers.

My biggest mission in my job is to make myself and other people like me entirely redundant.

I don’t want you to need trainers.

I want you to need a little bit of guidance in how to create a phenomenal dog and member of your family – but I don’t want to see any more big stressful problems for dog parents. Those enormously problematic issues for you and your family and your bank balance and your stress levels.

A tough dog is hard work and I will be the first to admit I’ve cried a lot over mine over my dog. I would rather you guys found the easy way of doing it and the easy ways getting a good puppy to start with trust me.

Irish wolfhound puppy

Need help making your
puppy into a great dog?​

Check out my 52 week plan to get you and
puppy on the road to success!

I Want A Great Dog!

The Potential Fallouts of Poorly Bred Puppies​

To understand better why you need a great puppy sometimes it’s good to consider the consequences of a poorly bred puppy – you know – the flip side of the coin.


A well bred puppy is much more likely to be a healthier puppy. Because they mean yes, whilst most crossbreeds dogs have no discernible breed tend to be “healthier” that’s not always the case.

They can still show health problems and various other things.

But for purebred dog for or even for a design across dog or whatever it is that you’re opting for. If they come from stock that has poor health, they are infinitely more likely to have the same problems, okay?

It’s the reason that golden retrievers keep breeding in cancer. It’s the reason that German Shepherds are so known for hip and elbow dysplasia, and cruciate ligament issues. Frenchies and English bulldogs and the various other brachycephalic dogs (dogs that have the flat faces), and when they’re bred flatter and flatter, it creates more and more issues.

So yeah, health is health is huge.

Showing a golden retriever is a great example of titles that help 'qualify' a good bitch or dog

Showing a golden retriever is a great example of titles that help ‘qualify’ a good bitch or dog


Okay, now there is an old phrase that says “it’s all how you raise them”.

Let me tell you now, that’s not true.

Okay, so if you have a reactive dog, and you’ve had them since a puppy, like I did, you’ll probably know that you made some small mistakes. But nothing significant enough to create this, this issue. You’ve never abused the dog, you’ve never not mistreated them, you’ve never fed them poorly, they’ve always had the very best of what you could do.

And for a “normal dog”, that would have been perfectly sufficient, and they would have ridden that pretty well.

But a dog with poor genetics can be a totally different animal or totally different based as it were.

And when they develop things like reactivity, anxiety, these quirks these behaviours, even like a fear of fireworks can be genetic, for storms can be genetic. Meaning that if the mother has it? The Father has it? That can go through down to the litter too.

Temperament is really, really important. And if the mom or the dad are not great in the area, then it’s probably a good idea to give the potential litter a mess.

So What Do You Do To Find A Great Puppy Breeder?​

The first thing is you need to ask loads of questions.

Ask Questions​

I mean loads and your breeder will if they are a good breeder, they will like that you’re asking all the questions in the world because they will ask all the questions in the world of you. Because it is their God given right to do so.

The idea is, is that this bloodline that this breeder is creating that they are crafting is phenomenal high.The idea is, is that the bloodline that they are creating is, is like their life’s work. It’s their masterpiece, right? So if I was selling my masterpiece is to someone, I will be wanting to know if you are the right person for my work, for my pride and joy.

So a great breeder is going to ask you a lot of questions. And don’t be afraid to answer them and answer them honestly. You’re better off having a clearer picture of one another and understanding how each other work so that this relationship can work, you know, going forwards, ad infinitum. Okay?

So, ask your questions, ask everything you want to ask (we’ll go into that next!)

litter of Dalmatian puppies who may or may not be from a great breeder

litter of Dalmatian puppies who may or may not be from a great breeder – what do you think?

The Potential Parents Of Your Future Puppy​

I want you to look into the parents of your new potential puppy to the utmost that you absolutely can.

Whilst there are no criminal records for dogs, hopefully. And that’s not possible to look up and you can look into, like, their lineage, okay, you can

Look Into Their Kennel Club Lineage.​

Whether that’s the American Kennel Club, Canadian Kennel Club, French Kennel club, Kennel Club in the UK, whoever it is, you can look into those, you can make sure that whatever is in their line hasn’t been crossed back, shall we say, and that they are not inbred? Because inbreeding does create a higher likelihood of problems. I wouldn’t even look at dogs like that. So please just avoid that if you can.

Right, next.

Why Did They Breed These Two Particular Dogs?​

Okay, this question is really, really interesting. Because as soon as you ask a breeder that they should be like, Oh, okay, and I want you to see your breeder really engaged with this question.

Your breeder should go well, actually, this girl is the third daughter of my original Golden Retriever that she has shown this temperament she’s the best mother out of these she’s she’s very caring she’s very relaxed, she births well she births nice size litters. Her litters so far haven’t had problems.

And they should be able to like real most of that stuff off of the top of their head.

Because this is their lifeblood. This is what they’re passionate about.
You want to be able to meet the parents – both mum and ideally the father too (in rare breeds, sometimes this isn’t possible because they...
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