Which is the feature platform of mutual fund software for Distributors


Aug 4, 2022
Wealth Elite is the best platform provided by some mutual fund software companies in India. It offers various features that aim to assist mutual fund distributors in managing their clients' investments and providing value-added services. I can provide you with some general benefits and features that are typically associated with mutual fund software for distributors Consolidated Portfolio Management, Transaction Processing, Client Management, Research and Analytics, Notifications Alerts, client onboarding, digital marketing and Investor Statements. For more information, visit https://wealthelite.in/

From on boarding an investor to deliver complicated portfolio reports, MFDs can complete all tasks from the simplified online platform which removes the dependency from manual work. The planning of investment for a particular investor can be prepared through the assistance of the Mutual Fund Software for IFA which is done accurately after assessing the risk potential of the investor. The portfolio of the entire family of a client can be easily managed by the distributor without facing any difficulty.